I am Gargi A

I Specialize in Making Interactive FrontEnd UI

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I Specialize In

Using JavaScript and its Frameworks/Libraries like React.js, Next.js and Redux.

FrontEnd Development

I've worked with JavaScript frameworks and libaries, tried and tested my hands at them and made projects.

Creating Interactive UI

I've invested myself in learning the underlying process and concept of how the UI that we as users see work. Learnt languages, libraries, frameworks related to the same.

  • Clients
  • None Yet
  • Awards
  • 0
  • Hours Worked
  • 3500
  • Projects Completed
  • 20

My Creative Process

Want to know my approach when making or working in a project? Well here are the 3 steps which help me figure out how I should think and work to get my project done successfully.


Discuss The Project

When working for someone I always like to get everyones perspective about a particular project. When it's an idea of my own I like to think it through throughly before starting it.


Brainstorming Concept

After getting in all the inputs as to how a project must be approached, next comes getting hold of all the necessary concepts that are a must to make the project successful without unnessarily complicating the code.



Lastly interacting with various like minded coders and getting their opinion on the project and implement changes where ever needed to improve the code base.